The Diversity of Modernism

October 12, 2019

Docomomo US is excited to announce the line-up of tours and events taking place during our thirteenth Tour Day. The only national event of its kind, Tour Day is an annual celebration of modern architecture and design where the public and like-minded organizations across the country participate in a tour or event on the second Saturday and throughout the month of October.

This year’s thematic focus, "The Diversity of Modernism” reflects the efforts of Docomomo US and its chapters to raise awareness of sites designed by minority and female architects, landscape architects, designers, and engineers, and of the designers themselves. In many cases, very little information is known about the designer or their design legacy and Docomomo US looks forward to casting light on the significance and plight of these sites throughout 2019 and beyond.

Tour Day 2019 Press Release

Host a Tour

Tour Day events can be hosted by nearly anyone interested in or with access to a significant modern building or site. Tour Day events can also be much more than just a tour. Some of the best events include pre-tour lectures, meet-and-greet with the architects and post-event receptions. 

If you would like to host a tour, fill out this form or contact for more information. 


Share your experience

We want to see what you see. Share and follow using

#ExploreModern #docomomous #TourDay2019 #diversityofmodernism



Participating Tours



Past Tour Day events

Peruse through the tours of the past. You may even find places to add to your modern architecture bucket list.

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