National Register Rejection Halts Thompson Center Preservation Work


Docomomo US Staff


Advocacy, StarshipChicago, Chicago, Thompson Center, Postmodernism, national register
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Update March 3, 2023

After a precipitous, seven-year rollercoaster of preservation initiatives, the National Park Service has rejected a nomination of the James R. Thompson Center to the National Register of Historic Places. The rejection was primarily due to objections by the site owner, Prime Group. Further information pertaining to the rejection was released on March 3 by Preservation Futures, which authored the nomination. You can read the full press release at the link below.

Read the full press release here.


Docomomo US participated as a member of a coalition of advocates in the preservation of the James R. Thompson Center. For a better idea of this project's history, consider exploring a five-year span of articles that Docomomo has written on the subject below.




As part of a coalition of public advocates for the preservation of Modern architecture, Docomomo US would like to acknowledge and celebrate the work of Elizabeth Blasius and Jonathan Solomon of Preservation Futures. Their work has raised awareness and legitimacy surrounding the preservation of Postmodern architectures, a cause that we continue today in our recent advocacy for sites such as The Ambassador Grill & Lounge, the One UN Plaza Hotel Lobby, and 60 Wall Street, among others. Explore our ongoing work below.