Citation of Merit
The jury awards a Survey Citation of Merit for the Midcentury Modern Midland project. Beginning in the early 1930s, Alden B. Dow, FAIA and Architect Laureate of Michigan, introduced modern architecture to Midland, Michigan. Dow challenged traditional ways of thinking, helped redefine how buildings are used and inspired other architects to do the same. Midcentury Modern Midland undertook an expansive project to identify, document, evaluate, and share this unique architectural heritage. The fruits of this labor, much of which was volunteer-based, has been made available to the public through a well-designed website and mobile app.
"A model project that could and should be replicated elsewhere."
Alden B. Dow Home & Studio
Alden B. Dow Home & Studio
DC Tree
University of Michigan’s Department of Industrial Operation Engineering, Practicum in Production and Service System Class
Alden B. Dow Home & Studio
315 Post StreetMidland, MI, 48640

Case Study House No. 21
Lorem ipsum dolor

Alden Dow