Citation of Merit
The jury awards a Citation of Merit for the UC San Diego Campus-wide Historic Context Statement and Historic Resource Survey. Between 2015 and 2017, Architectural Resources Group worked closely with UC San Diego’s campus planners to identify, inventory, document, and develop policies to preserve its wealth of modern resources. The campus’ early buildings were designed by some of the most renowned figures in Los Angeles and San Diego modernism at the time: William Pereira, A. Quincy Jones, Robert Mosher, and Lloyd Ruocco, and what resulted was a collection of buildings and landscapes were remarkably bold, and collectively stand as a showcase of Modernism in all of its forms. Ruocco’s Post‐and‐Beam style laboratory at Scripps (1963); Pereira’s imposing, Brutalist style Geisel Library (1970), and the collection of Brutalist style buildings comprising Muir College (1967‐1971) are celebrated as some of San Diego’s very best examples of their respective modern architectural styles. For years, UC San Diego’s rich architectural history was well known but not well documented. The historic context statement and survey provide a level of nuance and detail that was not there before and generated an official inventory of historically and culturally significant sites on campus that will help guide future development in a manner that is sensitive to, and cognizant of, the campus’s historic character.
“This project is significant because of the ever-increasing pressures universities face in improving their campus building portfolios while maintaining significant architectural resources. The inventory will help better protect these resources and has the potential to educate this particular campus community and other college and university systems across the country.”
UC San Diego
Architectural Resources Group – Katie E. Horak, Principal, Andrew Goodrich, Associate, Micaela Torres-Gill, Paul D. Turner, PhD
NeuCampus Planning – David Neuman
UC San Diego, Physical and Community Planning - Robert Clossin (AICP, Director), Catherine Presmyk (Assistant Director of Environmental Planning), Todd Pitman (Assistant Director and Campus Landscape Architect), Elyse Sanchez (Associate Planner)
UC San Diego
9500 Gilman DriveLa Jolla, CA, 92093