Connecticut Trailblazers: Carrying the Legacy
As the nation’s third smallest state by area, Connecticut is home to a vast number of significant modern buildings and homes. Likewise, the number of important people who called Connecticut home is nearly endless. In this session, speakers will talk about one couple, one Pritzker Prize winner and a preservation trailblazer and discuss what it looks like to carry on their legacy.
Speakers & Abstracts:
- Robert and Jean Coolidge: Rediscovering New Haven's Forgotten Early Modernists
Robert T. Coolidge II, AIA LEED AP, is the son of Robert and Jean Coolidge, and an architect with his own private practice in Branford Connecticut. - The Life and Work of Elizabeth Mills Brown
Christopher Wigren, Deputy Director of Preservation Connecticut - Engagements and Interventions on behalf of a legacy
Eamon Roche, bio coming soon.
Hotel Marcel, 500 Sargent Dr, New Haven, CT, 06511