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Peter Adam Eileen Gray: Her Life and Her Work. The Ultimate Biography Schirmer/Mosel, 2014. | Alexandra Lange Formica Forever Metropolis Books, 2013. Forward by Mark Adamson. | Françoise Astorg Bollack Old Buildings New Forms: New Directions in Architectural Transformations Monacelli Press, 2013. Foreword by Kenneth Frampton. | Kevin Bone (ed.) Lessons from Modernism: Environmental Design Strategies in Architecture 1925-1970 Monacelli Press, 2014. |
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Robert Carter Carlo Scarpa Phaidon Press Ltd., 2013. | Annie Cohen-Solal, Paul Goldberger, Robert Gottlieb New York Mid-Century Vendome Press, 2014. | Eames Demetrios, Charles Eames, Ray Eames Eames: Beautiful Details AMMO Books, 2014. | Jochen Eisenbrand & Mateo Kries (ed.) Alvar Aalto: Second Nature Vitra Design Museum, 2014. |
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Víctor Escudero & Alberto Martín Photography & Modern Architecture in Spain 1925-1965 La Fábrica/Museo ICO; Bilingual edition, 2014. | Anthony Flint Modern Man: The Life of Le Corbusier, Architect of Tomorrow New Harvest, 2014. | John Grindrod Concretopia: A Journey Around the Rebuilding of Postwar Britain Old Street Publishing, 2014. | Daniela Hammer-Tugendhat, Ivo Hammer, Wolf Tegethoff The Tugendhat House: Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe Birkhauser; 2 edition, 2014. |
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Thomas C. Jester Twentieth-Century Building Materials: History and Conservation Getty Conservation Institute, 2014. | Jari Jetsonen & Sirkkaliisa Jetsonen Saarinen Houses Princeton Architectural Press, 2014. | Zeuler R. M. de A. Lima Lina Bo Bardi Yale University Press, 2013. Forword by Barry Bergdoll. | Richard Longstreth Frank Lloyd Wright: Preservation, Design, and Adding to Iconic Buildings University of Virginia Press, 2014. |
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Peter McMahon & Christine Cipriani Cape Cod Modern: Midcentury Architecture and Community on the Outer Cape Metropolis Books, 2014. Forward by Kenneth Frampton. Photographs by Raimund Koch. | Detlef Mertins Mies Phaidon Press, 2014. Forword by Barry Bergdoll. | Lorenzo Ottaviani, Jeffrey Matz & Cristina A. Ross Midcentury Houses Today The Monacelli Press, 2014. Photographs by Michael Biondo. | Susan M. Rademacher Mellon Square: Discovering a Modern Masterpiece Princeton Architectural Press, 2014. With essays by Charles A. Birnbaum, Patricia M. O'Donnell, Richard C. Bell and Barry W. Starke. |
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Phyllis Richardson Superlight: Rethinking How Our Homes Impact the Earth Metropolis Books, 2014. | Timothy Rohan The Architecture of Paul Rudolph Yale University Press, 2014. | Anna Rosellini Louis I. Kahn: Towards the Zero Degree of Concrete, 1960-1974 EPFL Press, 2014. | Robert Sharoff & William Zbaren Last Is More: Mies, IBM, and the Transformation of Chicago Images Publishing Dist Ac, 2014. |
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Michael Sheridan The Modern House in Denmark Hatje Cantz Verlag, 2014. | Twentieth Century Society 100 Buildings 100 Years Batsford Ltd, 2014. | Matthew Welch & Richard Bresnahan Body of Clay, Soul of Fire: Richard Bresnahan and the Saint John's Pottery Afton Historical Society Press, 2002. | Clare Zimmerman Photographic Architecture in the Twentieth Century Univ Of Minnesota Press, 2014. |