Lihu‘e Walking Tour

Lihue Civic Center

4444 Rice St
Lihue , HI
Image details

Līhuʻe , Kaua‘i has a number of distinctive mid-century buildings designed by major Honolulu architects working in the modern style and Docomomo Hawaii is excited to present these to you. The walking tour will include such buildings as:


  • Stephen Oyakawa’s Lihue Public Library
  • Alfred Preis’ ILWU Hall
  • Clifford Young’s Kaua‘i War Memorial Convention Center
  • Edwin Bauer’s First Hawaiian Bank
  • Līhuʻe Plantation Headquarters Building
  • Seattle architect John Graham’s Līhuʻe Shopping Center


(cost includes pupus, no host bar and water and our brochure/map)
- $35 Docomomo, HHF members and Kaua‘i residents
- $40 non-members ($50 sign up after September 22)


Reception to follow at Ha Coffee Bar from 5-7pm.


In addition, a special driving tour on Sunday, October 8th will feature buildings such as Vladimir Ossipoff’s at the National Tropical Botanical Garden’s Research Campus, Architect Hawaii’s Koloa Union Church, Edwin Bauer’s First Hawaiian Bank in Koloa, Hart Wood’s Līhuʻe Union Church, and the Hanapēpē United Church of Christ.

If you are interested in participating in this tour, Docomomo Hawaii would appreciate hearing from you in order to assist in planning efforts. Discounted hotel and airline rates may be available but are not guaranteed.


Please contact docomomohawaii(AT) for more information or to indicate your interest.

Docomomo US Chapter